The Easiest Outfit Combo

Zara Vest – similar here and here
Leith V-Neck Sweater – available in tons of colors, also love this one from BP Nordstrom
Zara leggings (old) – similar here

Vince Camuto booties (old) – similar here

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!  I love the night before a big holiday!  I think it goes back to being in grade school, when you got out of school early and could stay up late on a weeknight.  In my best attempt at adulting in this life, I am still excited to stay up late before a holiday.  Except now, my late night is filled with doing billable work, because November is the end of my billable year, and I need to get my hours in.  Sigh.

Ok, so maybe it’s not as fun as , but Thanksgiving is still an awesome holiday.  Thanksgiving food is so yummy and this outfit is perfect for eating!  Let’s be honest, the sides are the best part.  I could live on mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, sweet potatoes, rolls, etc.  Turkey is actually the real side dish!

All black is so easy to put together and you don’t have to worry about getting cranberry sauce on yourself!  You have to love a great faux fur vest that easily transforms an outfit.  I feel so fancy when I put on a vest, but I also so comfy!  I have been on the lookout for the perfect taupy-brown vest and this Zara Faux Fur Waistcoat fits all my requirements.  It’s super affordable (under $70!), the material is smooth and not itchy, it has pockets, and the color is perfect.  Some faux fur vests I find have an odd coloring and shading that it just looks like, well, a dead animal.  It’s one of those, “you’ll know it when you see it” kind of things.

Thanksgiving is the start of the Holidays and it is definitely a hard time for me.  I lost my mom almost 7 years ago.  She passed in early January and had a really tough time starting from September of the previous year and throughout the Holidays.  Her birthday is also in December, so it’s just a lot of things going on around the same time.

Even though the Holidays are bittersweet, I am always thankful for so many things.  I am thankful for Bryan, my family, my friends, my job, and all the opportunities I have each and every day.  Most of all, I am always thankful for the time I had with my mom, because she truly made me the woman I am today.  I live and strive for success and happiness because of and for my mom.  At the end of the day, my memories of her are worth more than any possession.

Happy Thanksgiving and may we all be grateful, and full, this Turkey Day!

– Jacqueline



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